On this page you can find all the images and logo's which are used for Anexis branding. These files are the property of Anexis eSports e.V. and are prohibited from any modifications without prior written consent. Feel free the following logos and images in the promotion of Anexis eSports through banners or media content. High resolution photographs and images can be provided upon request.
Logos Resources

WHITE logo (5000*5000)
BLACK logo (5000*5000)
.EPS file (vector, professional program needed)

WHITE background (1920*1080)
TRANSPARENT bg (1920*1080)

WHITE background (1000*1000)
TRANSPARENT bg (1000*1000)
TRANSPARENT plain (1000*1000)

LOW resolution (180*180)
MEDIUM resolution (500*500)
HIGH resolution (1000*1000)
.EPS file (vector, professional program needed)

Concept Glass (1920*1080)

Concept Royalty 1 (1920*1080)
Concept Royalty 2 (1920*1080)
Concept Royalty 3 (1920*1080)

Orange (1920*1080)
Black (1920*1080)
Deep Blue (1920*1080)

League of Legends (1920*1080)
Call of Duty 4 (1920*1080)